Permission to do Business on Your Own Terms

I help business owners like you embrace your nature (Rebel? Multipassionate? Radically authentic? I’m down) and turn your strengths into a business model that lights you UP

Get on top of your schedule, create supportive (never confining) structures, and find ways make enough money without feeling out of alignment, overwhelmed, or exhausted.

Yes, it’s possible. But only when you have carte blanche to build your biz YOUR WAY!

Welcome! I’m Stephanie, business coach for entrepreneurs who defy convention (or want to)

Let’s just start by acknowledging that it’s a big, frickin’ deal that you have your own business. Do you realize how brave and badass that is?!

I know it doesn’t usually feel that way. Mostly, it feels overwhelming (ugh, emails), exhausting (ugh, marketing), and deeply gratifying (aaaah, client work!)

I want you to feel at ease, confident, and like you have space to enjoy your life all the time — not just when you’re in the famine-phase of the Feast/Famine cycle.

But you’re probably here because…
  • You’ve got clients, and more keep coming, but you’re saying yes to everything with no clue how you’re gonna get it all done. (Working on your business? Who has time for that?!)
  • You keep saying you’ll stay away from work on the weekends, but something always seems to creep in to your down-time.
  • Despite all your hard work and long hours, you’re still not making the money you think you should be. You’re unsure about raising your rates, and you can’t work more (only so many hours in the day) – it’s like there’s a glass ceiling to entrepreneurship nobody told you about.
  • You actually LOVE your work, and it feels like all the business stuff is distracting you from getting in the flow of it all.

But all around you are people enjoying their lives. They have hobbies. Weekend getaways. Afternoon naps. Days off even!

What Clients Say


“It’s been great to have Stephanie guide me in breaking down my ideas into manageable, strategic steps. I love that we’re building something sustainable (no more burnout), and that all my efforts can be re-purposed for future projects. We’re always keeping long-term in mind, and I feel a very strong foundation is being built. Super grateful!”

– Kim


“You have been a great part of my earliest successes. You really helped me. Our sessions were moments for me to reflect on my efforts, wins, and ‘oops missed it’ moments. Your insights were always in line with my needs.”

– Stephane


“I have really appreciated your ability to help me get to know myself better and what I need to do more of to live my life’s mission.”

– Tom


“I appreciated your thought partnership to help me articulate my signature system. Distilling the elements of my planning process and identifying what makes each stage valuable to clients has been a growth-driver for my business.”

– Jenny

Articles to Help You Right Away

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Practical Guidance for How To Do Business on Your Own Terms

No nonsense, thorough, and immediately useful, these weekly emails cut to the chase of what you really need to succeed without compromising your values or working yourself into the ground.

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“If you’re debating signing up for Stephanie’s newsletter because it will be like all the other unopened newsletters in your inbox, know that you will open this newsletter and save it to read again later!  Stephanie packs in so much helpful information specific to the challenges of a solo small business owner in her newsletters, it is like a helpful friend who gets it -just a click away!  Thanks for your work Stephanie.”


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Book a call with me to talk about what’s going on, what you need, and how I can help.